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Celina Mikolajczak, Chief Battery Technology Officer at Lyten, delivers a TED-style talk about the company’s lithium-sulfur cell technology at the SAFE Summit 2023, hosted by SAFE (Securing Americas’ Future Energy) and the Electrification Coalition.
Celina discusses how the effort to build a better battery for the transportation industry is a monumental task similar to the aspiration of going to the moon. The lithium-sulfur battery may be a better battery solution for the transportation industry, for the country, and for the planet by avoiding using scarce, expensive, and ethically challenging minerals from across the world.
This event convenes top government officials, business leaders, and other stakeholders from the United States and allied nations to address the challenges to achieving secure and reliable supply chains in the transportation and energy sectors. This multi-day summit not only creates the space for dialogue but also for actionable next steps; it is a place to ask how to achieve these goals.