Infinite Tunability

Stronger. Lighter. Conductive. Decarbonizing. With so many ways to tune it, it’s no wonder they call it a supermaterial.

What is 3D Graphene?

3D Graphene Elements

Lyten’s 3D Graphene is a material unlike anything else on Earth. Our 3D Graphene offers unique resistive, capacitive, inductive, structural, and energy absorbing properties that can be infinitely tuned to deliver profound results.

We create our 3D Graphene by converting greenhouse gases into solid carbon and hydrogen gas. While the hydrogen gas will be captured for re-use as a clean fuel, the carbon is permanently sequestered in the form of a three-dimensional supermaterial. We call this solid carbon-based material Lyten 3D Graphene™.

Because Lyten 3D Graphene is tunable, it can be engineered at the atomic level to bond with other elements on the periodic table. This can optimize thermal and electrical properties, or customize porosity to improve strength and stiffness, decrease weight, and much more.

Infinite Tunability in action

Making economic growth without emissions growth possible

Economic Growth
Lyten Growth

Lyten 3D Graphene will enable breakthrough performance and real-world results. It has the potential to revolutionize how we build our physical world, enabling materials and applications that are lighter, stronger, and more sustainable.

This can change everything. Discover more about our journey to improve our environment, impact lives worldwide, and reach net zero together.

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